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 Company search



•     官方权威:企业登记查册是由政府机构或法定机构依法进行的企业信息查询,具有官方权威性。通过企业登记查册,您可以获得真实、可靠的公司数据,为您的商业决策提供有力支持。

•     信息全面:企业登记查册涵盖了企业的基本信息、股东信息、高管信息、注册资本信息等,能够帮助您全面了解企业的真实情况。这些信息对于投资决策、合作伙伴的选择以及商业谈判都具有重要的参考价值。
•     实时更新:企业登记查册的数据是实时更新的,确保您获得的信息具有时效性。这意味着您可以通过企业登记查册及时掌握公司的最新动态,以便做出快速响应。
•     便捷高效:企业登记查册流程简单、快捷,无需繁琐的手续和等待时间。


•     工商照面信息、上市信息、注销吊销信息、联系信息、经纬度、开票信息、小微企业标识、企业规模、英文名来源、企查查行业等信息
•     企业名称、企业类型、注册资本、统一社会信用代码、经营范围、营业期限、上市状态等信息
•     企业名称、法定代表人名称、企业状态、成立日期、统一社会信用代码、注册号等信息。
•     企业税务登记号查询、纳税人识别号、企业名称、企业类型、地址、联系电话、开户行、开户行账号企业产品认证、体系认证、资质证书等信息

•     商标信息,商标名称、注册号、国标分类、申请人、商标状态、申请日期等信息企业或某技术的专利,使用户掌握相同技术领域的发展状况,规避他人知识产权和调整研发方向提供参考

•     企业自己申报的基本信息,网站或网店信息,发起人及出资信息,企业资产状态和股权变更信息等

•     是否存在失信被执行情况,助力风险管控。核查该企业的具体失信情况及履行情况,包括但不限于案号、立案信息、失信行为、执行法院、执行标的等信息。
•     企业经营异常情况,判断企业是否有列入经营异常的情况,包括列入经营异常原因、列入日期、作出决定机关等信息。
•     企业是否存在被执行情况,助力风险管控。包括但不限于案号、立案信息、关联对象、执行法院、执行标的等信息。
•     企业是否存在严重违法信息,助力风险管控。包括但不限于违法类型、列入时间、列入机关、移除原因、移除机关、移除时间等信息。


With the development of economy and the increasing complexity of business environment, understanding the basic information of enterprises is becoming more and more important for business decision-making. A business registry search is an official and legal way to provide detailed and accurate company information to help investors, partners and stakeholders make informed decisions. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the advantages of business registration search, service content and how to conduct business registration search, to help you easily obtain company information.

Summary of company register

•   Official authority: The corporate registration search is an inquiry of corporate information conducted by a government agency or statutory body in accordance with the law and has official authority. Through the business Registry search, you can obtain real and reliable company data to support your business decisions.

•   Comprehensive information: The enterprise registration and search covers the basic information of the enterprise, shareholder information, executive information, registered capital information, etc., which can help you fully understand the real situation of the enterprise. This information has important reference value for investment decisions, partner selection and business negotiations.

•   Real-time update: The data of the business registry search is updated in real time, ensuring that the information you obtain is current. This means that you can keep up to date with the latest developments of your company through business registration searches so that you can respond quickly.

•   Convenient and efficient: the enterprise registration and search process is simple and fast, without cumbersome procedures and waiting time.

Business registration and search services

•   Industrial and commercial information, listing information, cancellation and revocation information, contact information, latitude and longitude, billing information, small and micro enterprise identification, enterprise size, English name source, enterprise check industry and other information

•   Enterprise name, enterprise type, registered capital, unified social credit code, business scope, business term, listing status and other information

•   Enterprise name, legal representative name, enterprise status, date of establishment, unified social credit code, registration number and other information.

•   Enterprise tax registration number query, taxpayer identification number, enterprise name, enterprise type, address, contact phone number, bank, bank account enterprise product certification, system certification, qualification certificate and other information

•   Trademark information, trademark name, registration number, national standard classification, applicant, trademark status, application date and other information about enterprises or patents of a technology, so that users can grasp the development status of the same technical field, avoid intellectual property rights of others and adjust the direction of research and development

•   Basic information declared by the enterprise itself, website or online shop information, initiator and investment information, enterprise asset status and equity change information, etc

•   Whether there is a breach of trust has been implemented, to help risk control. Verify the specific breach of trust and performance of the enterprise, including but not limited to the case number, filing information, breach of trust, execution court, execution target and other information.

•   The abnormal operation of the enterprise, determine whether the enterprise has included the abnormal operation of the situation, including the reason for the abnormal operation, the date of inclusion, the decision making authority and other information.

•   Whether the enterprise has been implemented to help risk control. Including but not limited to the case number, filing information, associated objects, execution court, execution object and other information.

•   Whether the enterprise has serious illegal information to help risk control. Including but not limited to the type of violation, inclusion time, inclusion agency, removal reason, removal agency, removal time and other information.

Corporate registration and search is a convenient way to obtain company information and is of great significance to investors, partners and stakeholders. Through the Business Registry search, you can obtain comprehensive and accurate company data to support business decisions. When conducting a business registration search, ensure that you are well prepared, select a reliable search agency and follow relevant procedures to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the company information obtained.


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